Unknown status of EFS0A board on OSN3500

This post will share how to solve Unknown status of EFS0A board on OSN3500. I hope you like it!


Scenario Description

The customer wanted to provision ELAN services using EFS0A board but when inserted it in OSN3500 subrack, the board appeared as unknown.


Scenario Description

1. Uploaded the NE to NMS, issue persist.


2. Warm reset for SCC boards the issue persists.


3.Checked the matching table for the board software and NE software found that the current software for EFS0A is 2.63

OSN3500 1

In matching table, the OSN3500 running V1R9C04 version is 2.51


4. Suggest downgrading the board software. Engineer I tried to downgrade it the downgrade fail due to “Failed to activate basic bios (error code:0-32)

OSN3500 2

Check the error, find engineer downgrade software with BIOS together.  Board bios and software cannot downgrade at same time.


Root Cause

Mismatch between NE software and board software.



After engineer only downgrade software and issue solve


Suggestion and Summary

For any issue like this, please refer to matching table first and make sure that board software and NE software are matching. Then to check that the board can be downgraded to match the NE software.