The high usage (100%) issue on interface of the access Switch

Issue Description

Customer found the high usage (100%)  issue on interface of the access Switch, then affected the service of the servers connecting the access switch.

Handling Process

1.       Login the access switch “xx-xx-xx-1” xx.xx.xx.xx, and found the member interface XG0/0/4 of eth-trunk 1 with high usage (100%) of bandwidth:

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2.       “Display interface XGigabitEthernet 0/0/4” to find a lot of broadcast packets enter XG0/0/4 of eth-trunk1 on access switch “xx-xx-xx-1”. Then make capture by command “capture packet interface xxx” to know the VLAN of broadcast packets is 26.

3.       Check the LLDP neighbor of member interfaces of eth-trunk1, to know the peer device is Core switch “xxxx-xxxx-LAN-01”:

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4.       Login the core switch “xxxx-xxxx-LAN-01”, found the MAC-flapping on the VLAN26 and produced a large number of broadcast packets, which flooded to the access switch “xx-xx-xx-1” via interface eth-trunk3:

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5.       Reviewed configuration with customer and confirmed that traffic of VLAN26 is not necessary for the access switch “xx-xx-xx-1”, then remove the VLAN 26 under eth-trunk3 on the core switch “xxxx-xxxx-LAN-01”, then the usage of eth-trunk1 return to normal value on the access switch “xx-xx-xx-1”:

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6.       Check the loop of VLAN26, “Display lldp neighbor brief” and “Display mac-address flapping record” to find the issue switch “xx-xx-xx-LAN-S03”, its GE0/0/1 and GE0/0/2 was connected directly with loop.

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7.       Then apply the customer’s approval and shutdown GE0/0/1 to destroy the loop.

Root Cause

There is a loop on the switch “xx-xx-xx-LAN-S03”, its GE0/0/1 an GE0/0/2 was connected directly with loop. Then produced the abnormal traffic to the network on VLAN26.


Workaround solution: Remove the VLAN 26 under eth-trunk3 on the Core switch, then the usage of eth-trunk1 return to normal value on the access switch “xx-xx-xx-1”.
Final solution: Shutdown the interface GE0/0/1 to destroy the loop on the issue switch “xx-xx-xx-LAN-S03”, then the MAC-flapping and abnormal broadcast packets stopped.


Try to avoid the physical loop when implement the new service, and configure the L2 protect protocol (such as “mstp”) to destroy the loop.