Query GPON ONT Echolife HG8247H vs EG8247Q

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Issue Description

When comparing GPON ONT EchoLife HG8247H vs. EG8247Q  some features have not yet been implemented in the Webpage.
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the policy based routing feature via ACS/TR-069 and therefore have the following questions:
Is this feature supported in future SW-Versions of EG8247Q
Is this feature going to be implemented in the Webpage for EG8247Q


Device Type: EG8247Q
Software Version: V5R019C00S100
Is this feature supported in future SW-Versions of EG8247Q 
For version V5R019C00S100, this feature is supported on EG8247Q. But you can’t configure on the webpage, although you can configure it by ACS. The configuration method is as follows
Step 1: create a new instance. Choose Layer3Forwarding node, and click create new instance
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Step 2: configure the instance. Nodes are as follows:
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PolicyRouteType: configure this node to SourceIP, means SourceIP policy based route
VenderClassId: This node configure matching option60, * means all option60
WanName: This node indicates the packet matching the rule go through which wan
IsUnBind: This node indicates if bind this wan, 0 means bind,  packet go through this wan by default, 1 means not bind, packets decide which wan by service type
IsDefaultRule: This node indicates if it’s default rule, 0 means not the default rule, packets not matching option60 decide which wan according to service type, 1 means default, packets not matching option60 go through this wan
Is this feature going to be implemented in the Webpage for EG8247Q
The EG8247Q uses a new framework. Considering that it’s carrier not the client to configure the policy routing, so we  shield the configuration webpage in the new framework. If you needs a page support, you can ask for RM and let our R&D evaluate it.