Huawei OptiX OSN 9800 M24, M12, M05 parameters comparison

List of supported boards for full substitution in Optix OSN 9800

The next-generation M series subracks feature large capacity, optical-electrical integration, and small size. The M series subracks apply to integrated bearing scenarios, such as broadband video, mobile backhaul, enterprise private line, and DCI, and provide an optimal end-to-end transmission solution from the backbone layer, aggregation layer, to access layer.


Specifications 9800 M24 9800 M12 9800 M05
Product appearance  

9800 M24

9800 M12  

9800 M5

Subrack dimensions (mm) 747.2 (H) x 442 (W) x 295 (D) 347.2 (H) x 442 (W) x 295 (D) 177 (H) x 442 (W) x 295 (D)
Suitable cabineta
  • ETSI 300/600 cabinets, such as A63B
  • 19-inch cabinet
Max. number of service board slots 1:1 cross-connect mode: 12 large slots or 24 small slots

1:3 cross-connect mode: 10 large slots or 20 small slots


The M24 subrack supports slot splitting. One 11 U slot of the M24 subrack can be split into two 5.5 U slots.

13 5
Switching capability Optical 1 to 20-degree reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM)
  • 1:1 cross-connect mode:
    • 4.8 Tbit/s OSUflex/ODUk
    • 4.8 Tbit/s packet services
    • 1.92 Tbit/s VC-4
    • 160 Gbit/s VC-3/VC-12
  • 1:3 cross-connect mode:
    • 10 Tbit/s OSUflex/ODUk
    • 4 Tbit/s packet services
    • 1.6 Tbit/s VC-4
    • 160 Gbit/s VC-3/VC-12
Max. number of wavelengths
  • Fixed grid:
    • C band: 120 wavelengths@50GHZ
    • L band: 120 wavelengths@50GHZ
  • Flexible grid: The maximum number of wavelengths is related to the width of the flex channel.
Wavelength range DWDM system: 1524.50 nm to 1572.06 nm (C120 band)

DWDM: 1575.37 nm to 1626.21 nm (L120 Band)

CWDM system: 1471 nm to 1611 nm (S+C+L band)

Max. rate per channel 800 Gbit/s (OTUC8)
Service type SDH, SONET, PDH, Ethernet, SAN, OTN, Video, OSU SDH, SONET, Ethernet, SAN, OTN, Video
Packet service capacity
  • Support for E-Line/E-LAN (MEF) and VPWS/VPLS (IETF)
  • Support for MPLS-TP
  • Number of MPLS tunnels: 64 x 1024
  • Number of PWs: 64 x 1024
  • Number of E-Line services: 32 x 1024
  • Number of E-LAN services: 8 x 1024
Line rate 1.25 Gbit/s, 2.5 Gbit/s, 10 Gbit/s, 25 Gbit/s, 100 Gbit/s, 200G bit/s, 300Gbit/s, 400G bit/s, 600G bit/s, 800G bit/s 10 Gbit/s, 100 Gbit/s, 200G bit/s, 300Gbit/s, 400G bit/s, 600G bit/s, 800G bit/s
Supported pluggable optical modules eSFP, SFP+, TSFP+, CFP, CSFP, CFP2, QSFP28, SFP28, TSFP28, QSFP+, QSFP-DD eSFP, SFP+, TSFP+, CFP, CSFP, CFP2, QSFP28, SFP28, QSFP+, QSFP-DD
Topology Point-to-point, chain, star, ring, ring-with-chain, tangent ring, intersecting ring, and mesh
Redundancy and protection Network level protection (OTN) Optical line protection, client 1+1 protection, ODUk SNCP, OSUflex SNCP, tributary SNCP, intra-board 1+1 protection, LPT Optical line protection, client 1+1 protection, intra-board 1+1 protection, LPT, intra-board ODUk SNCP, tributary SNCP
Network level protection (Packet) ERPS, LAG, PW APS/FPS, Tunnel APS, MC-LAG, MC-PW APS, LPT N/A
Network Level Protection (SDH) SNCP, linear MSP, ring MSP, TPS N/A
Network level protection (EoS) LAG, DLAG, LCAS, LPT, STP/RSTP, BPS, PPS N/A
Equipment level protection Power supply redundancy, fan redundancy, cross-connect board redundancy, communication control and clock processing unit redundancy Power supply redundancy, fan redundancy, communication control unit redundancy, clock processing unit redundancy


Encryption type Client-side service encryption
Optical power management ALS, ALC, IPA, IPA of the Raman system, IPC
Easy O&M Optical Doctor (OD) system, Fiber Doctor (FD) system
Synchronization Synchronous Ethernet, IEEE 1588v2, ITU-T G.8275.1/G.8273.2, high-precision clock synchronization
  • Electrical-layer ASON
  • Optical-layer ASON
  • 2M ASON
Optical-layer ASON
  • Fast E2E Service Provisioning
  • Bandwidth Adjustment
  • Scheduled Service Provisioning
  • Resource Usage View
  • Latency Map
Submarine cable features Supports application of extended C band in submarine cable scenarios. N/A N/A
Power supply DC power input

  • Standard working voltage: –48 V DC to –60 V DC
  • Working voltage range: –40 V to –72 V

AC power input

  • Standard working voltage: 110V AC/220V AC
  • Working voltage range:
    • 110V AC: 90V ACto 175V AC
    • 220V AC: 175V AC to 264V AC

High-voltage DC power input

  • Standard working voltage: 240V/336V HVDC
  • Working voltage range: 190V HVDC to 400V HVDC


In IEEE1613-compliant scenarios: (There is no such requirement when other standards are used.):

  • The power supply to the equipment must be less than 50 V.
  • The communication equipment must use an independent backup power supply system. It cannot share the backup power supply system with the power equipment.
DC power input

  • Standard working voltage: –48 V to –60 V
  • Working voltage range: –40 V to –72 V

AC power input

  • Standard working voltage: 110V AC/220V AC
  • Working voltage range:
    • 110V AC: 90V AC to 176V AC
    • 220V AC: 176V AC to 264V AC

High-voltage DC power input

  • Standard working voltage: 240 V HVDC
  • Working voltage range: 190 V HVDC to 290 V HVDC


In IEEE1613-compliant scenarios: (There is no such requirement when other standards are used.):

  • The power supply to the equipment must be less than 50 V.
  • The communication equipment must use an independent backup power supply system. It cannot share the backup power supply system with the power equipment.
Operation environment Subrack temperature:

  • Long-term operation: 0°C to 45°C
  • Short-term operationb: –5°C to +50°C

Relative humidity:

  • Long-term operation: 5% to 85%
  • Short-term operationb: 5% to 90%
Subrack temperature:

  • Long-term operation: 0°C to 45°C
  • Short-term operationb: –5°C to +55°C

Relative humidity:

  • Long-term operation: 5% to 85%
  • Short-term operationb: 5% to 90%
Subrack temperature:

  • Long-term operation: 0°C to 50°C
  • Short-term operationb: –5°C to +55°C

Relative humidity:

  • Long-term operation: 5% to 85%
  • Short-term operationb: 5% to 90%
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) 1 hoursc


Average time for only fault locating, board replacement, device restart, and service recovery, excluding component preparation and transportation time.

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) 65.94 yearsc
Availability 0.999993076c
a: The ETSI/19-inch standard defines only part of the cabinet dimensions. Therefore, the distance between the cabinet column and door plate varies depending on cabinet manufacturers. For details about the dimensions of different subracks, see the detailed description of each subrack.

b: Short-term operation means that the continuous operating time does not exceed 96 hours and the accumulated time per year does not exceed 15 days.

c: The preceding parameters are calculated based on the typical product configuration. In actual use, these parameters vary according to the configured module.


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