How to configure stacking function when it cannot be set up

How to configure stacking function when it cannot be set up

1. Checking Whether the Device Model and Version Support the Stacking Function

Run the display device and display version commands to check the device model and version. To check whether the displayed device model and version support the stacking function, see the related product manual or seek stack assistant tool at
For example, if the displayed device model is S5700-28C-HI and device version is V200R003, you may find that this device model and version support only service port stacking.

<HUAWEI> display device                                              
S5700-28C-HI's Device status:                                              
Slot Sub  Type                Online    Power      Register     Status   Role  
1    -    S5700-28C-HI        Present   PowerOn    Registered   Normal   Master
     4    POWER               Present   PowerOn    Registered   Normal   NA    
<HUAWEI> display version                                                   
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software                                     
VRP (R) software, Version 5.130 (S5700 V200R003C00SPC300)                 
Copyright (C) 2000-2013 HUAWEI TECH CO., LTD                                   

S5700-28C-HI switch

2. Checking Whether the Stack Configuration Is Correct

Fixed switches (S2700&S3700&S5700&S6700)
Run the display stack current-configuration command to check all stack configuration.

<HUAWEI> display stack current-configuration            
---------------current-configuration on slot 0 Begin---------------
stack slot 0 renumber 0                                
stack slot 0 priority 1                                
stack reserved-vlan 4093                               
stack timer mac-address switch-delay 10                
interface stack-port 0/1
       port interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/23 enable       
interface stack-port
       port interface XGigabitEthernet0/0/24 enable
---------------current-configuration on slot 0 End-----------------

To configure service port stacking, you need to configure stack ports.
For the S5700SI or S5700EI that supports only stack card stacking, install stack cards into the switch, start it, and then run the stack enable command.
For a switch that supports both stack card stacking and service port stacking, such as S5720EI, the switch preferentially starts with the service port stacking configuration. It will not start with the stack card stacking configuration even if stack cards are installed. To enable the switch to start with the stack card stacking configuration, run the reset stack-port configuration command to clear the service port stacking configuration.
Chassis switches (S7700&S9700&12700)
Currently, three CSS connection modes area available: CSS card clustering (SRUA, SRUB, and SRUC), service port clustering (supported in V200R003 and later versions by all MPUs except MPUA), and SFU clustering (supported only by the S12700).
For all switch models, check whether the CSS function is enabled, whether two chassis IDs are 1 and 2, and whether the CSS connection mode is as planned. If two switches use the same chassis ID, they cannot set up a CSS.

<HUAWEI> display css status
CSS Enable switch On Chassis Id   CSS Enable   CSS Status      CSS
Mode    Priority    Master Force   
1              On            Standby         CSS-Card
     100         Off

If service port clustering is configured, run the display css css-port command to check whether the CSS connection mode is LPU and whether the service port clustering configuration exists.
If the current mode is CSS-Card, you need to manually change the mode to LPU.

[HUAWEI] set css mode lpu
Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment................
Info: CSS config has been changed, need reboot to take effect(CSS should be enabled).


3. Checking Whether Stack Cables Are Correctly Connected

Fixed switch
Stack card stacking of fixed switches requires dedicated stack cards and stack cables to be used and two CSS cards to be connected by at least one cable. Stack port STACK 1 of one switch can only be connected to Stack port STACK 2 of the other switch.
Service port stacking of fixed switches requires physical ports in the local logical stack port 1 to be connected to those in the peer logical stack port 2. In additions, cables must be supported by the current system software version. For example, S5700 series switches support 6GE stack optical modules (SFP-6GE-LR) and optical fibers in V200R007.
Modular switch
CSS card clusterin
SRUAs and SRUBs use VSTSA stack cards and dedicated cluster cables and must follow CSS connection rules.
SRUCs use VS08 stack cards and dedicated high-speed stack cables (or 10G optical modules and optical fibers). Cable connection rules are as follows: Ports in local port group 1 must be connected to those in peer port group 1 and ports in local port group 2 must be connected to those in peer port group 2. Additionally, a local CSS card must be connected to two peer CSS cards.
Service port clustering
CSS ports are 10G ports, requiring high-speed cables or 10G optical modules and optical fibers. One local CSS card only needs to be connected to one peer CSS card.
SFU clustering
Dedicated stack SFUs and VS08 stack cards must be used. Ports in local port group 1 must be connected to those in peer port group 1, and can be connected to only one peer stack SFU.
switch stacking diagram

4. Checking Whether Stack Ports Can Go Up

If the stack configuration is correct and supported cables or optical modules are used, but stack ports cannot go Up, perform cross tests to determine whether stack cables or optical modules are faulty. You can use other stack ports to test whether these ports can go Up.

5. Collecting Information and Seeking Technical Support

Collecting Fault Information
Collect operation results of the preceding steps and record the results in a file.
Collect all diagnostic information and export the information to a file.
Run the display diagnostic-information file-name command in the user view to collect diagnostic information and save the information to a file.

<HUAWEI> display diagnostic-information dia-info.txt
Now saving the diagnostic information to the device
Info: The diagnostic information was saved to the device successfully.

When the diagnostic file is generated, you can export the file from the device using FTP, SFTP, or SCP.

You can run the dir command in the user view to check whether the file is generated.
You can also run the display diagnostic-information command and save terminal logs in a diagnostic file on a disk.
If this command displays a long output, press Ctrl+C to abort this command.
This command displays diagnostic information, which helps locate faults but may affect system performance. For example, CPU usage may become high. Therefore, do not use this command when the system is running properly.
Running the display diagnostic-information command simultaneously on multiple terminals connected to the device is prohibited. This is because CPU usage of the device may obviously increase and the device performance may be degraded.

Collect the log and trap information on the device and export the information to files.
Run the save logfile all command in the user view to save the logs in the user log buffer area and diagnostic log buffer area to the user log file and diagnostic log file, respectively.

<HUAWEI> save logfile all
Info: Save logfile successfully.
Info: Save diagnostic logfile successfully.

When the diagnostic file is generated, you can export the file from the device using FTP, SFTP, or SCP.

You can also run the display logbuffer and display trapbuffer commands to view the log and trap information on the device, and save the information in diagnostic files on a disk.

If any question, please feel free to contact for technical support.