How to change the account and password of the ONT?

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ONT firmware upgrade through web interface

How to change the account and password of the universal OLT (including HG8040/HG8240/HG8242/HG8245/HG8247/HG8247a Etc.)
1. Change the root (web) password
Step 1 Log in to the web page as root or telecomadmin.
Step 2 Navigate to Account by choosing: Maintain > Account.
ONT screenshoot
Step 3 Change the password on the Account interface, and click Apply.

2. Change the telecomadmin password through the BMS. (Applicable to central equipment room administrators)
Step 1 (Optional) Add a general ONT VAS profile.
VAS Profile
Step 2 Export the ONT VAS profiles to be changed.
VAS profiles-1
Step 3 Use the Text Document to open the exported XML file.
Step 4 Change the password and then save it.
Change Passward
Fill in the password being changed. The BMS automatically encrypts the plaintext.
Step 5 Import the changed XML file to the BMS.
Modify ONT VAS Profile
Step 6 Bind the changed General VAS profile to the specified ONT.

3. Change the root (cli) Password (Applicable to central equipment room administrators)
Step 1 Change the root (cli) password through the BMS.
Add an ONT General VAS Profile
Step 2 Change the root (cli) password through the CLI.