Hello, everyone!
Applicable Versions
This case applies to the MA5600T V800R007C00 and later versions.
How to add an ONT to the PON port on an OLT (OLT V800R008)?
The following is an example of the configurations used to add an ONT:
- ONT IDs: 1 and 2
- GPON port for connecting ONTs: port 0/14/0
- SNs: 32303131D659FD40 and 6877687714852901
- Protocol: SNMP
- ID of the bound ONT line profile: 1
The procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Add an ONT by using one of the following methods according to actual conditions:
- Method 1: adding an ONT in offline mode. When the ONT SN is known, run the ont add command in offline mode.
The following is an example of the configurations for adding an ONT in offline mode:
MA5600T(config)#interface gpon 0/14 MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#ont add 0 1 sn-auth 32303131D659FD40 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 1
MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#ont add 0 2 sn-auth 6877687714852901 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 1
If an EPON port is to be configured, use the command interface epon 0/14 instead of interface gpon 0/14. This change applies in the following.
- Method 2: automatically discovering ONTs. If the ONT SN is unknown, run the port ont-auto-find command in GPON mode to automatically discover ONTs connected to the GPON port. Then run the ont confirm command to confirm an ONT.
The following is an example of the configurations for automatically discovering ONTs:
MA5600T(config)#interface gpon 0/14 MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#port 0 ont-auto-find enable MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#display ont autofind 0 ————————————————————————
Number : 1
F/S/P : 0/14/0
Ont SN : 32303131D659FD40
Password :
VenderID : HWTC
Ont Version : HG863GTA_VER.C
Ont SoftwareVersion : V1R1C01SPC038
Ont EquipmentID : EchoLife:HG863
Ont autofind time : 2010-11-05 10:40+08:00
Number : 2
F/S/P : 0/14/0
Ont SN : 6877687714852901
Password :
VenderID : HWTC
Ont Version : HG863GTA_VER.C
Ont SoftwareVersion : V1R1C01SPC038
Ont EquipmentID : EchoLife:HG863
Ont autofind time : 2010-11-05 10:40+08:00
MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#ont confirm 0 ontid 1 sn-auth 32303131D659FD40 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 1 MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#ont confirm 0 ontid 2 sn-auth 6877687714852901 snmp ont-lineprofile-id 1
If multiple ONTs of the same type are connected to a port and the same line profile is bound to the ONTs, you can add ONTs in batches by confirming the automatically discovered ONTs in batches. This simplifies operations and increases the configuration efficiency. To do so, the preceding command can be modified as follows:
MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#ont confirm 0 all mac-auth omci ont-lineprofile-id 1
Step 2 Confirm that the ONT goes online successfully.
After adding the ONT, run the display ont info command to query the status of the ONT. Ensure that Control flag of the ONT is active, Run State is online, Config state is normal, and Match state is match.
MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#display ont info 0 1 ———————————————————————
F/S/P : 0/14/0
ONT-ID : 1
Control flag : active // Indicates that the ONT is activated.
Run state : online // Indicates that the ONT is online.
Config state : normal // Indicates that the configuration status of the ONT is normal.
Match state : match // Indicates that the capability profile bound to the ONT matches the actual capability of the ONT.
MA5600T(config-if-gpon-0/14)#display ont info 0 2 F/S/P : 0/14/0
ONT-ID : 2
Control flag : active // Indicates that the ONT is activated.
Run state : online // Indicates that the ONT is online.
Config state : normal // Indicates that the configuration status of the ONT is normal.
Match state : match // Indicates that the capability profile bound to the ONT matches the actual capability of the ONT.
About Status Data
When Config state is failed, Run state is offline, or Match state is mismatch, check the ONT status with reference to the preceding method. If Control flag is deactive, run the ont activate command in GPON port mode to activate the ONT.
If Run state is offline, the physical line may be faulty or the optical module may be damaged. Check the materials and the line status.
If Config state is failed, run the display ont failed-configuration command in diagnose mode to query the configuration failure items and causes. Then rectify the issue based on the actual situation.
If Match state is mismatch, run the display ont capability command to query the actual capability of the ONT and run the ont modify command to modify the configuration data of the ONT. Modify the ONT profile based on the actual capability of the ONT and save the modification. The ONT will automatically recover the configuration.
About Profiles
DBA profile: it describes GPON traffic parameters. T-CONTs are bound to a DBA profile for dynamic bandwidth allocation, improving upstream bandwidth usage.
Line profile: It describes the binding between T-CONTs and DBA profiles, the QoS mode of a traffic stream, and the mapping between GEM ports and the ONT-side services.
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