EPON deployment configuration instructions for MA5680T

Today, I  would  like  to  share  with  you  the EPON deployment configuration instructions for MA5680T.

1. Configure the uplink

vlan 100 smart \\Add network management vlan
vlan 1001 smart \\Add service vlan
and add the corresponding vlan to the uplink port for transparent transmission:
port vlan 100 0/19 0 port
vlan 1001 0/19 0
Configure the management address :
interface vlanif 100
 ip address

2. Configure the DBA template

dba-profile add profile-id 10 type2 assure 20480

3. Configure the line template

ont-lineprofile epon profile-id 10 profile-name HG8245
llid dba-profile- id 10

4. Configure the business template

ont-srvprofile epon profile-id 11 profile-name HG8245
ont-port eth 4 pots 2

Note: It must be configured according to the actual number of ports on the ont. If you don’t know, you can enter the Epon board mode and use the command “disp ont capability” view.

port vlan eth 1 100

5. Add ont device

intface epon 0/6
port 1 ont-auto-find enable
disp ont autofind 1
ont add 1 0 mac-auth 0000-0000-0001 oam ont-lineprofile-id 10 ont-srvprofile-id 11
Specifies the default vlan ont port
ont port native-vlan 1 0 eth 1 vlan 1001

6. Configure service virtual port

service-port vlan 1001 epon 0/6/1 ont 0 multi-service user-vlan 1001

If the FTTB network is used, only the line template needs to be configured on the OLT side, and the service template does not need to be configured. The ONU is added using the SNMP protocol, and the others are the same.

ONU side configuration

1. Configure uplink

vlan 1001 smart
port vlan 1001 0/0 1

2. Configure service port

service-port vlan 1001 adsl 0/0/30 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 6 tx-cttr 6