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  • Create Date 2022-04-21
  • Last Updated 2022-09-16

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 Series NG-OLT Brochure

The SmartAX MA5800 multi-service access module is the industry's first smart NG-OLT. As a next-generation OLT that employs a distributed architecture, MA5800 supports ultra-broadband,

fixed mobile converged services, and smart capabilities. It is the most advanced OLT for NG-PON in the industry, catering to the demand for a broader, faster and smarter access network for the

ultimate service experience.

The MA5800 provides GPON, XG-PON, TWDM-PON, WDM-PON, GE and 10GE access and supports FTTH, FTTD, FTTB, FTTC and D-CCAP network applications. This architecture is key to

building a heterogeneous access network with full home, enterprise and mobile backhaul services. The MA5800 integrates OLT, aggregation switch and edge router functionalities into one

platform and supports high density GE/10GE interfaces for MDU, DSLAM, MSAN and OLT aggregation. It helps carriers simplify network architecture and reduce network OPEX.

The MA5800 series features two product models. The larger MA5800-X17 has 17 service slots while the medium-sized MA5800-X7 has 7 service slots. Both models have cross-compatible

hardware and software.