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  • Create Date 2022-04-15
  • Last Updated 2022-09-16

Huawei S6730-H (25GE) Switch Brochure

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H series switches are next-generation enterprise-class core and aggregation switches that offer high performance, high reliability, cloud management, and intelligent operations and maintenance (O&M). They build on an industry-leading Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) and are purpose-built with security, IoT, and cloud in mind. With these traits, CloudEngine S6730-H can be widely used in enterprise campuses, colleges/universities, data centers, and other scenarios. CloudEngine S6730-H switches offer 10GE, 25GE, 40GE, and 100GE port types, flexibly adapting to diversified network bandwidth requirements. They also support cloud management and implement cloud-managed network services throughout the full lifecycle from planning, deployment, monitoring, experience visibility, and fault rectification, all the way to network optimization, greatly simplifying network management.