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  • Create Date 2022-04-14
  • Last Updated 2022-09-16

Huawei S6730-H (10GE) Switch Brochure

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H series 10GE switches are next-generation enterprise-class core and aggregation switches that provide 10GE downlink optical ports and 100GE uplink optical ports.

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H series switches are next-generation enterprise-class core and aggregation switches that offer high performance, high reliability, cloud management, and intelligent operations and maintenance (O&M). They build on an industry-leading Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) and are purpose-built with security, IoT, and cloud in mind. With these traits, CloudEngine S6730-H can be widely used in enterprise campuses, colleges/universities, data centers, and other scenarios. CloudEngine S6730-H switches offer 10GE, 25GE, 40GE, and 100GE port types, flexibly adapting to diversified network bandwidth requirements. They also support cloud management and implement cloud-managed network services throughout the full lifecycle from planning, deployment, monitoring, experience visibility, and fault rectification, all the way to network optimization, greatly simplifying network management.

By integrating the native wireless access controller (WAC) capability, a single CloudEngine S6730-H switch can manage a vast number of wireless access points (APs). The results are simplified network architecture, fewer required devices, and lowered networking costs. Free mobility, another key differentiator of CloudEngine S6730-H, enables consistent user experience no matter the user location or IP address, fully meeting enterprises' demands for mobile offices.

CloudEngine S6730-H switches support VXLAN to implement network virtualization, achieving multi-purpose networks and multi-network convergence for greatly improved network capacity and utilization. As such, CloudEngine S6730-H switches are an ideal choice for building next-generation IoT converged networks in terms of cost, flexibility, and scalability. The full series of CloudEngine S6730-H switches have built-in security probes to enable abnormal traffic detection, analysis of threats even in encrypted traffic, and network-wide threat deception. With such robust security features, CloudEngine S6730-H switches transform traditional passive security defense into proactive security protection, fully ensuring campus network security.