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  • Last Updated 2022-09-16

Huawei S12700E Switch Cards Datasheet

CloudEngine S12700E switches provide various types of GE, GE&10GE, 10GE, 25GE, and 40GE&100GE interface cards, so customers can flexibly choose from them based on their networking needs.

Huawei CloudEngine S12700E series switches ("S12700E switches for short") are new core switches designed for next-generation high-quality campus networks. These purpose-built switches help create a campus network that improves user experiences, reduces operating costs, and delivers unmatched security and trustworthiness for a fully connected, wireless era.

Huawei CloudEngine S12700E interface cards are used to process all traffic on the network data plane of the S12700E series switches. These cards are available in five port quantities: 48-GE, 24 10GE+24-GE, 48-10GE, 40-25GE, 6-100GE, and 24-100GE port.