Network Evolution Overview
For the GPON network that has been deployed on the live network, 10G GPON can smoothly evolve from the GPON network to the 10G GPON network.
Why Is Smooth Evolution Required?
The smooth evolution from the GPON network to the 10G GPON network is mainly due to the following reasons:
- With the development of services, the bandwidth requirement of users is gradually increasing. In the short term, only some users need to be upgraded to the 10G GPON network, and some users continue to use the GPON network.
- For a GPON network that has been deployed on the live network of a carrier, it is costly to directly cut over the GPON network to the 10G GPON network. The evolution from GPON to 10G GPON must be completed through smooth evolution.
What are the conditions for smooth evolution from GPON to 10G GPON?
10G GPON has the following features to support smooth evolution from a GPON network to a 10G GPON network:
- The 10G GPON wavelength planning does not overlap the GPON wavelength planning. Therefore, the GPON and 10G GPON share the ODN network in the wavelength division multiplexing mode.
- The OLT platform supports coexistence of GPON service boards and 10G GPON service boards.
- 10G GPON and GPON have the same service provisioning and service deployment operations. They can share the NMS and service provisioning system.
No Wavelength Overlap Between GPON and 10G GPON
Figure 1 shows the wavelength distribution of GPON and 10G GPON.
10G GPON Can Co-exists with GPON in the Same ODN
Figure 2 shows the GPON and 10G GPON can coexist in the same ODN with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) mode.
Evolution Solution
Evolution Solution 1 – Adding an Optical Splitter
This solution introduction smooth evolution from the GPON network to the 10G GPON network by adding optical splitters to the ODN.
Evolution Solution 2 – Using the WDM1r Multiplexer
This solution introduction smooth evolution from the GPON network to the 10G GPON network by adding the WDM1r wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) equipment.
Evolution Solution 3 – Using Combo Service Board
This solution introduction smooth evolution from the GPON network to the 10G GPON network by adding the GPON & 10G GPON Combo Service Board.
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