The Huawei OptiX OSN1800 is a series of box architecture Multi-Service Optical Transport Network (MS-OTN) transmission equipment that supports Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), packet, and Optical Transmission Network (OTN) services over a metro or campus optical network. This equipment enables multiple high-bandwidth services (from 2 Mbit/s to 100 Gbit/s) to be delivered at less cost. This article will tell us to collect opical power information from OSN 1800 V NEs after U2000 upgrade.
Issue Description
Customer reports that after U2000 NMS V200R016C60CP2025 upgrade it’s no longer possible to query OptiX OSN 1800 V V100R006C20SPC500/V100R006C00SPC300 optical power information. The query fails with the error code “The object does not exist. Error Code: 38429” .
For other OSN devices (OSN9800, OSN1800 I and OSN 1800 II) the optical power information query is available.
Alarm Information
The error reported:
Handling Process
Check the Nemgr logs:
- Administration –> DCN Management –> NE select the device and check the last column
- Collect the Nemgr logs from the below path:
/opt/oss/server/var/logs/Develop/nemgr_trans-*/* (the first * is the NE process Num, the second * means all files and folders)
Root Cause
Checking the file /opt/oss/server/nemgr/nemgr_trans/conf/devicepnp/dev1800v/gencfg/dwdmport.xml, observed there is a setting which can impact optical power query information.
We modified this file:
like this, deleted the content by red frame:
Restart the processes:
nemgr_trans_1/2/3/4, nemgr_v8trans_1, nesvc_v8trans_1
Reopened the client and checked the issue, everything was ok.
This problem will be fixed on the patch R16C60CP2026
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