This post will address the topic of a PING problem processing method on Huwei OLT. Let’s see below.
1. How to analyze the ping packets (such as ‘Is there any response for request)?
You can find the ‘Response In‘ in the request packets (also you can find the ‘Response To‘ in the reply packets). If there is no such flag, that means no response packets for the corresponding packets.
2.How to capture the ping packets?
a) Capture packets on the service-port
(diagnose)%%file-server auto-backup board-info primary [server-ip] tftp //you can choose ftp (diagnose)%%capture service-port [service-port-id] capture-count 10000 ///10000: number of the packet to capture //after capturing (diagnose)%%undo capture service-port
b) Capture packet on uplink port (the destination IP of the packets is the one of the device)
(config)#acl 3000 (config-acl-adv-3000)# (config-acl-adv-3000)#rule 1 permit icmp (config-acl-adv-3000)#quit (diagnose)%%file-server auto-backup debug primary [tftp-server-ip] tftp (diagnose)%%capture item 1 bidirection ip-group 3000 rule 1 port [F/S/P] //[F/S/P]: uplink port that sends and receives the ping packets (diagnose)%%capture start -c 10000 //send ping packets //after capturing (diagnose)%%capture stop (diagnose)%%undo capture item 1 (diagnose)%% undo file-server auto-backup debug primary (diagnose)%%config (config)#undo acl 3000
3.How to match the PING packet by ACL?
(config)#acl 3000 (config-acl-adv-3000)# (config-acl-adv-3000)#rule 1 permit icmp (config-acl-adv-3000)#quit
4.How to identify the ping packets that needs to analyze?
One method would be to send the ping packets with specific length in order to identify the packets after capturing.
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